Experience the World as a Benefit

We're helping any Impalan relocate anywhere.

We’re thrilled to empower Impalans to travel the world and experience new countries, without changing the way they work with us - by offering Global Mobility as a new benefit!

We don’t just allow remote working across the world, we encourage and celebrate it.

Impala is a travel company, and we’re pretty obsessed with travel. Without travel, we never meet, we never see, we never visit or voyage or view.

Experiencing new cultures and environments also liberates, enlightens, and allows us to grow and feel fulfilled - things we think everyone should be empowered to experience.

In our product we’re looking to create travel experiences that we’ve never seen before - and we wanted to bring that philosophy to reality internally too.

What is Global Mobility as a Benefit?

Through our partnership with PerchPeek, we'll enable any Impalan to relocate and see the world - whether it's travelling to another city, another country, or another hemisphere!

We provide the opportunity and help cover the cost for action, and Perchpeek helps put the plans into reality.

It's just another way we want to support Impalans to work on their terms.

How does Impala support?

When Impalans sign up to relocate on the platform - Impala will cover half the Perchpeek cost. 🎉

For the remaining half, Impalans can deduct from payroll or their existing monthly WFH Stipend/s that Impala offers. 😎

The rest? Is done by our partners, the fantastic folks at Perchpeek! From helping find the dream apartment, to pulling the forms together, to sorting the gas and water… heck, even to shipping bags so you can get a head start on the sunshine before arriving.

And for the indecisive amongst us, by using Perchpeek through Impala, folks even also have support to weigh up options and explore alternatives, before taking the plunge!

For more information - visit our Perchpeek/Impala site.